Ali & Chelsea

The story of our collaboration…

Ali: My name is Alison Joseph

Chelsea: And my name is Chelsea Ramsey.

Ali: And we brought Improv to Horizon Media.

Chelsea: A little over a year ago, one of the cofounders of the UCB theater, Matt Besser, visited Horizon to share his experience with improv comedy and how it shaped his life. Ali and I were both curious to try it for ourselves and each enrolled a week later.

Ali: After taking a few classes at UCB, it was clear that Improv would be perfect in an agency setting. The invention team eventually brought Chelsea and I together, and that’s when YesAND@Horizon was born.

Chelsea: Last summer, we piloted our class with the Media 101 teams and select Horizonites. We played games that were geared on developing group mind, focused listening and maintaining energy, all important for any client interaction. The result was FUN, imaginative and inventive.

Ali: Since our pilot our class, yesAND@Horizon is now available company-wide via the Training Center, private classes and Media 101.

Chelsea: And we got really great feedback on the program!


Horizon life is…all about collaboration.
