Josh & Jason

How we became roommates, coworkers and friends…

Josh: Hi I’m Josh Posner and I’m an Account Coordinator at Scout Sports and Entertainment

Jason: And I’m Jason Shapiro and I’m also an Account Coordinator at Scout

Jason: And we are also roommates

Josh: I joined Scout about 11 months ago – and at the time that I accepted my offer I was living in Chicago

Jason: I had already been working for Scout for about 6 months and I was subletting an apartment at the time. I needed to find an apartment.  One of our mutual friends thought that we would get along really well connected us, as we were both looking for a new place to live

Josh: It wasn’t until later in the conversation that we realized Jason worked at the same place that I’d be working – Scout Sports and Entertainment

Jason: It was a total coincidence, but it ended up working out perfectly

Josh: Now we’re roommates in a pretty cool apartment in Chelsea, we work together, and our social lives are pretty intertwined too

Jason:  Honestly, the living together, working together, going out on weekends together- it’s not ideal- I’m just kidding. It’s great, we have the same group of friends, we never argue, and never fight

Josh: I can’t really think of any other workplace in which this situation would work out so well….Scout is such a close knit team yet we haven’t gotten sick of each other yet

Jason: We just got back from a week long trip to Miami and next we’re planning a summer Hampton’s getaway- maybe a few fellow Horizonites will come across an invite

Horizon life means…working hard and playing hard.
